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Our standards based curriculum is designed to prepare gifted students for the global marketplace, and addresses key elements such as problem solving, communication, and real world application of skills.

Advanced Research

- Use of research tools

-Problem identification

-Information synthesis

-Problem solving

-Summary of findings

​Affective Learning


- Seven Habits of Happy Kids

- VIA CHaracter Strengths

- Group Dynamics

- Mindset

- Goal Setting

​Communication Skills

- Daily workshop to develop deeper ELA skills

- Exposure to experts and hands on experiences as related to units of study

- Exposure to careers and career options as related to units of study

- Group collaboration skills

-Presentation skills

Social Responsibility

- Understand and identify problems and solutions within our local, national, and global communities.

Algebraic Reasoning

- Primary Algebra lessons (grades 1 & 2)​

- Hands-On Equations Levels I, II, III

- Problem based learning

- Application of math reasoning skills in real world situations


- Mini units with an emphasis on engineering and problem solving

-BYOD implementation

-Select and apply digital tools to collect, organize, and analyze data

-Create multi media products using digital tools

Collaborate                                Innovate                            Create
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