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Chapter 2

Learn More About Sudan

Click on either picture to learn more about Sudan and South will experience Sudanese history, learn what caused the country to split, fun facts, important vocabulary and have an opportunity to see specific places in Sudan through an interactive map.

Reader's Response

Write a response to the following questions. Be sure to use your very best English grammar, write in complete sentences and proofread your work to make sure that you used proper capitalization, punctuation and spelling.

1.  Can you imagine how Salva is feeling at the end of chapter 2?  Write a list of as many adjectives as you can think of that describe how he is feeling when he wakes up in the barn.

2.  The government of Sudan wanted all of the people to practice the religion of Islam.  What do you think might happen in the United States if the government decided to require everyone to practice one religion?

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The best way to learn new words, and actually add them to your everyday vocabulary, is to...

1.  READ the meaning

2.  THINK ABOUT the meaning

3.  WRITE the meaning in your own words

Try this method, as you work through the activities in The Blue Planet!

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