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Chapter 5

Why is it such a big deal that women and girls have to gather water for their families?  Most of us would love to spend the day outside, in nature...getting lots of fresh air and exercise...

right?  Life is very different when one has no easy access to fresh, clean water.

The harsh reality is that these people will not survive without water (none of us will)...and they may not even survive with the water that they gather because it is likely to be unclean.


The refugees do experience some good luck in the midst of such horrible times.  After weeks of eating little to nothing, the thought of eating fresh honeycomb is almost unbelievable.  

Let us take a closer look at honeybees and the, "Luscious gold sweetness," (we commonly call it...honey) that they create in their hives.


Busy Bees


How Do Bees Make Honey?


Why Do Bees Make Honey?


Like Fruit?  Thank a Bee!

Reader's Response

Explain how water controls Nya's life everyday.  Describe specific examples or scenarios that you remember reading in the text.

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The best way to learn new words, and actually add them to your everyday vocabulary, is to...

1.  READ the meaning

2.  THINK ABOUT the meaning

3.  WRITE the meaning in your own words

Try this method, as you work through the activities in The Blue Planet!

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