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Who are the Lost Boys of Sudan?

National Geographic - From Sudan to the United States
Click the picture above to watch.
60 Minutes - Lost Boys of Sudan
Click the picture above to watch.
As you read the novel, A Long Walk to Water, refer to the background knowledge that you have gained about the nations of Sudan and Southern Sudan. You should have some understanding of where--in the world--they are located, why the people of Sudan were involved in a Civil War, and why the country eventually split into two separate nations.
"The Lost Boys" of Sudan really did exist, as did Salva Dut, one of the main characters in the novel. As you read about Salva and Nya, the other main character, try to create a picture in your mind about their lives, surroundings, interactions, struggles and even successes. Doing this while you read will really help you get to know each character and understand the hardships that each of them faced daily.
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