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Explore Watersheds

Watersheds 101

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UN: mountbethel

PW: read.

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Effects of a Flood

Six inches of rain doesn't sound like much, but if it comes suddenly and all at once, it can cause flooding... effects from which can last for days and weeks within a watershed.

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Explore on Your Own

In which Watershed do you live?  You will discover the name of your Watershed, along with many other interesting facts about Watersheds, as you explore the following website and complete your journal pages.


The "Find Your Watershed" link in the Explore Watersheds website no longer works.  Click on the picture above to find your Watershed.  There are two watersheds in Cobb County...can you name them?  Of which watershed do you think your neighborhood is a part?


Google Earth

The following links will be helpful, as you work through the "My Science Notebook" pages for today's Explore Watersheds lessons...


Local Plants and Animals

(We live in the Piedmont

Region of Georgia)

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The best way to learn new words, and actually add them to your everyday vocabulary, is to...

1.  READ the meaning

2.  THINK ABOUT the meaning

3.  WRITE the meaning in your own words

Try this method, as you work through the activities in The Blue Planet!

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