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Chapters 9 & 10

Just Add Water

Just Add Water is a documentary featuring Salva Dut, a "Lost Boy of Sudan," now an American citizen.  He is the founder of Water for South Sudan, Inc., a not-for-profit 501(c)3 corporation, which raises funds and drills water wells in South Sudan's remote villages.

The documentary follows Salva, as he returns to his native land, leading a drilling team as they triumph over daunting challenges to bring safe water to one typical remote village.  Salva and his team engage the villagers as partners in the entire process, which transforms the life of the community.

Reader's Response

These chapters are very powerful because of the serious subjects and the difficulties that Salva must overcome.  Write one phrase or sentence that best summarizes the main idea or the theme of chapters 9 and 10.

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The best way to learn new words, and actually add them to your everyday vocabulary, is to...

1.  READ the meaning

2.  THINK ABOUT the meaning

3.  WRITE the meaning in your own words

Try this method, as you work through the activities in The Blue Planet!

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