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Chapter 1

Salva's Story

Salva Dut's Story

"I Kept Walking" - TED Talk

The determination and persistence of Salva Dut helped him to survive attacks on his village, being separated from his parents, walking for hundreds of miles, and becoming a "Lost Boy" of Sudan for many years.  

Salva Dut placed great value on education and has an incredible work ethic.  In recent years, he has made many efforts to help the people of his homeland gain access to clean, safe drinking water.

The African Bush

"Go quickly, all of you!  Into the bush.  Do you hear me?  Not home.  Don't run home...stay away from the villages--run into the bush."

What is the African Bush?  The African Bush is less dense than forests that we have in our community.  The plants are woody, with many stems and generally grow lower than 6 meters (19.5 feet).  The photos below show some examples of the African Bush.

Reader's Response

Write a response to the following question. Be sure to use your very best English grammar, write in complete sentences and proofread your work to make sure that you used proper capitalization, punctuation and spelling.

In Sudan rebels have been at war “fighting against the government." In our country, which has a democratic government, citizens sometimes show disagreement with the government, too.  What are some ways that American citizens show disagreement with their government and elected officials?   Are these ways alike or different from those in Sudan? 



Click the picture above to go to the Kahoot! website.  We will practice answering Kahoot! questions, now that we have read Ch. 1 together.

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The best way to learn new words, and actually add them to your everyday vocabulary, is to...

1.  READ the meaning

2.  THINK ABOUT the meaning

3.  WRITE the meaning in your own words

Try this method, as you work through the activities in The Blue Planet!

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