Where does our water come from?
Where did Earth's Water Come From?
Did Earth's water just appear "out of the blue?"
Well, not exactly...It did appear because of some big events that took place after the Earth formed. Take a look at the video above to learn how Earth got all of its water. The story dates all the way back to when the Earth was a brand new planet!
Global Water Crisis...How Much Water
Do We Really Use Everyday?
It may surprise you to learn how much water the people of the United States use each day. In fact, we use more water per person each day than any other country on Earth!
Could YOU carry all of the water that you use in one day???
How Much Water Does an Average Household Use in a Day?
There are so many factors that affect how much water an average household uses each day...can you name some of them?
The Water Cycle My Science Notebook page that you will complete today has quite a few words to define! In class, we highlighted the ones that can be found in "The Water Cycle Activity" section of the Discover Water page, linked above.
After writing the meanings of those 8 words, choose two more to define. The two you choose should be words that you do not already know.
The best way to learn new vocabulary is to follow these steps:
1. Look up the word
2. READ the meaning and examples that are shared
3. Decide which meaning best relates to the topic you are studying
3. THINK about the word's meaning
4. Write the meaning IN YOUR OWN WORDS
According to the USGS (U.S. Geological Survey), the average American uses between 80-100 gallons (approx. 300 - 375 liters) of water per day. Explore the USGS Water Science School website for Water Questions & Answers.