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Let's Apply What We Have Learned...

We are very fortunate, here in the United States, to have such easy access to clean water...whenever we want it or need it.  Almost everyone in the United States is accustomed to having clean water anytime, at the turn of a faucet.  It is important for us to learn all about what happens to water that goes down our drains, how it is cleaned and then released back into a nearby river.  
Most of the world’s people are not so lucky and must obtain water from a variety of other sources. Many of these water sources contain pollution of some form, including bacteria and microorganisms, chemicals, toxins, waste, litter, or other foreign substances and materials.
Today, we will do a little experimenting of our own with unclean and contaminated water... 

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Water Filtration Challenge...Disaster Strikes

You live on an island that was hit by a category 3 hurricane, and your drinking water has been contaminated!  What would you have to do to make it safe to drink?  Based on all the damage from the storm, you have to assume that you will not have clean water restored for several weeks.  What would you do?  How would you survive if you had to filter and clean your own drinking water?

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Water Filtration Challenge Reflection and Redo

Work with your team to dissect the water filter that was built.  Determine which layers cleaned out which pollutants.  Notice what you see and feel in each layer.  Make a note of this on your Water Filter Lab Report.

Next, talk with your team about the performance of your water filter.  In your opinion, did it work?  Why or why not?  What evidence can you collect to support your findings?

On your own, consider our water filtration simuation today.  Some people in the world are really experiencing this problem right now!  If you were in a hurricane disaster area, or an area that experiences drought on a regular basis, would you drink the water that you filtered today?  Use your critical thinking skills, along with evidence from today's simulation, to explain your thoughts.

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