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A Long Walk To Water
Written by: Linda Sue Park
Imagine...Where would we get water if it didn't enter our homes through pipes and faucets?
Think about this question for about fifteen seconds, then we will Rally Robin with our shoulder partners to think of all the possible places we might get water for our family, if it didn't come straight to our homes and through our faucets.
This is how 11 year old Lala, from Madagascar, gets her family's water. She travels this distance at least twice each day...
This is how 13 year old Aysha, from Ethiopia, gets her family's water. Each day, she spends 8 hours fetching water...
Think about the lives of Lala and Aysha. How did the stories of these two girls make you feel?
We are going to Mix - Pair - Share our thoughts and feelings about Lala and Aysha's stories.
1. Find a spot anywhere in our classroom.
2. When music begins, walk around the classroom.
3. When the music stops, pair up with the person closest to you and give them a high-five.
4. We will take about fifteen seconds to think about our response.
5. Each partner will have 30 seconds to talk (they should talk for the WHOLE TIME). If they cannot think of anything else to say, you may help by asking a question.
6. After both partners share, the music will begin, and we will start the process again to find a new partner.
The novel takes place in a country called Sudan. Where is Sudan located?

South Sudanese Culture
Four things to know before we read A Long Walk to Water...

As you read the novel, A Long Walk to Water, refer to the background knowledge that you have gained about the nations of Sudan and Southern Sudan. You should have some understanding of where--in the world--they are located, why the people of Sudan were involved in a Civil War, and why the country eventually split into two separate nations.
"The Lost Boys" of Sudan really did exist, as did Salva Dut, one of the main characters in the novel. As you read about Salva and Nya, the other main character, try to create a picture in your mind about their lives, surroundings, interactions, struggles and even successes. Doing this while you read will really help you get to know each character and understand the hardships that each of them faced daily.
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