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Digital Citizenship
- Lesson 1 -
Being a good digital citizen means to demonstrate and practice safe, responsible and legal use of technology. A good digital citizen is someone who understands the rights and responsibilities that come with being online and someone who uses technology in a positive way.
It is important for us to think beyond ourselves, and understand that our actions online can have a ripple effect on others. We not only have a responsibility to ourselves to be appropriate online, we have a responsibility to others.
In this BrainPop video, Tim and Moby share some important information about "Digital Etiquette," that we should all keep in mind when using our devices.
The Power of Words
It is important to think about the words we use while online because everyone interprets things differently. Try to be empathetic when sharing online, and think, "How would I feel if someone said this to me?"

Without seeing people's faces or hearing people's voices, written messages can sometimes be misunderstood or misinterpreted.
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