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Where does your water come from?

Where does water come from picture for website lesson 1.JPG
River Picture for Website Lesson 1.JPG

Let's Explore Water on The Blue Planet!

Part of today's lesson involves constructing a circle graph to show data.  The Circle Graphs video below will help us understand circle graphs (also known as pie charts) and how they help us to easily read and classify data.  

You will now go to The Blue Planet page, linked below to complete today's activities.  Be prepared to experience just how much water is on our planet Earth, read all about the surface of Earth, take a quiz, take Action and complete the Blue Planet Science Notebook pages. 

A different part of today's lesson involves developing a better, more clear, understanding of words that relate to our Water unit.  You may use the Merriam-Webster Learner's Dictionary link below to define these words.


The best way to learn new vocabulary is to follow these steps:

1.  Look up the word

2.  READ the meaning and examples that are shared

3.  THINK about what you learned

4.  Put the meaning IN YOUR OWN WORDS

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