A Poem About the Lost Boys
by Abraham Wal Deng
May 30, 2002
Abraham is in college studying to be a pharmacist.
He is 25 and currently works in food service.
They, the Lost Boys of Sudan,
began their traveling since 1987,
to acquire a better life,
to rescue their lives in the eyes of the enemies,
to inform the whole world about suffering through Christ,
to reclaim the landmark, to avoid nepotism, tribalism, discrimination and socialism.
They lived their lives in the bush since 1987;
it's something interesting to know but difficult to endure.
They usually slept on the ground without anything to lie on, over the rocks,
under the trees,
with no mosquito net,
in the rain,
in the desert,
woke naked.
Crises has been with them.
Imagine the young generation who left between the ages of five and twelve having to experience the hard life at that stage?
Would their enemy not collect and kill them?
God was their protection,
like the hen with her chicks, he sustained them day and night...
their houses being burnt down,
crops being destroyed,
famine and starvation taking place.
What causes war in Sudan?
religion and other desired things.
Two groups at war -
South and North,
where the south was occupied by a variety of people,
Dinka Jur, Dinka Nuer and Dinka group themselves.
Their occupations:
rearing animals,
and following up events.
Early in 1987, they, the Lost Boys of Sudan reached Ethiopia -
they left their parents undeliberately and unfortunately.
Their approximate number was 20,000 at that time.
They were first rescued by the
United Nations High Commission of Refugees in the Ethiopian camp...
in the mid-four years, they became acquainted with the worst condition and endured some more.
They also learned more and more in their own interest and started to build their houses using grasses.
Day and night they went into the forest to find grass and
alternative materials for building the houses -
They also learned how to cook foods in different styles.
And they learned how to read and write.
Eventually they, the Lost Boys of Sudan, had to move
when the Ethiopian war broke out in 1991.
They must leave right away -
leave the land empty for the soldiers to do the action.
They moved back to their country.
At that time, the Lost Boys were again in troubles.
While their enemies drove them out, they settled nearby a river.
Some forces were going between,
in between those areas.
Those who settled near the River Gilo waited to move;
they were attacked and scattered all over by the soldiers.
As they ran into the river,
hundreds of hundreds drowned
and some were shot to death with a gun.
Back to Sudan, for a month they settled in a small force.
Diseases and starvation -
they all grew weak and thin.
In other words, they had no food to eat in those days...
and nowhere to sleep.
However, all spent time picking leaves and edible roots for their survival.
They slept on the grass
and the mosquitos didn't allow them to rest comfortably as they bit...
In a bad time,
The Lost Boys didn't lose their hopes and the continued praying to their God.
In a few weeks, the organization called the Red Cross
arrived shortly and began to rescue them from the bad conditions.
Everything became quite good in a moment.
The Lost Boys moved to Kenya.
In 1992, they reached Nairus, where there was a local force on the border of Sudan and Kenya.
In a few days, the Lost Boys of Sudan had to move while the enemy was looking for them, hopeful to capture them.
That was in May 15, 1992.
Suddenly, it was not the Lost Boys alone...but including everyone in Nairus.
All had to move to Lokichogi.
They were escorted to safety by the Red Cross in those days.
In June 21, 1992, the whole group moved to Kakuma Camp.
Their lives were not compared to their lives in Ethiopia... a little similar.
Somehow they had less than before.
For instance, they had shortage of food and water in the camp.
Most of them received high education levels - that was the only good thing and what they enjoyed most.
Limited by supplies and shortages of things they needed in their lives made some
boys drop from schools and started doing social work instead of going to school.
The population of Lost Boys at Kakuma Refugee Camp was 16,000...
later, the number dropped down.
Then in 1998, the United Nations Commissioner of Refugees
decided how they could be helped.
So the meeting was held in Jenifer...
and all sides agreed that they should be resettled.
They brought all the materials for the medical checkups and examinations for some diseases like AIDS and TB.
In 2001, the exit flights began for the Lost Boys of Sudan.
What was old and new to them now?
They have met with wonderful people...
and found a great time to enjoy their lives...
and are hopeful to end the nightmare for all the Sudanese, too.
Volunteers, we thank them a lot for what they have done
for the southerners.
God's grace will be upon them.